The power of nature gives us many unexpected things.The following special plants will surely surprise you.1. Jelly orchid is a succulent species that looks like small multicolored rocks scattered on the potted plant.2. The special Frizzle Sizzle plant with a beautiful spiral-like leaf system.3. This plant looks like a bouquet of roses in a vase.4. One of the cutest succulents is Monilaria obconica, which looks like rabbit ears.5. The leaves of Crassula umbella look like flowered discs.6. A bunch of heart-shaped Conophytums is definitely a perfect Valentine's Day gift.7. The species Aeonium tabuliforme reminds us of a stack of pancakes, not a houseplant.8. Senecio rowleyanus reminds us of a string of pearls.9. Probably many people mistake Euphorbia obesa for a cushioned chair.10. Adenium is enchanting like stepping out of the pages of Harry Potter novels.11. This is not a rock that accidentally fell into a flower pot.This is a plant called Pseudolithos Migiurtinus.12. Haworthia truncata looks like a bowl of chopped cucumbers.13. Senecio peregrinus is known as "Succulent Dolphin", looks like hundreds of small dolphins diving into the sea.14. The tortyandra tortilis seems to have used a curling iron to create these beautiful waves.15. Haworthia Cooperi is like coming from another planet with beautiful clusters of transparent leaves.According to Khanh Linh ( Laborer Newspaper – GOVERNING AGENCY: HO CHI MINH CITY COMMITTEELicense No. 115/GP- BTTTT issued on February 9, 2021 by the Ministry of Information and CommunicationsEditor-in-Chief: TO DINH TUANAddress: 123 - 127 Vo Van Tan, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3 - HCMC, Phone: 028-3930.6262 / 028-3930.5376, Fax: 028-3930.4707, Email: belongs to Nguoi Lao Dong Newspaper.Other websites that have been approved by us for information exploitation, when re-posting, must specify the source: According to Nguoi Lao Dong Newspaper (