High-end Japanese strawberries selling like hotcakes in New York - Japan Today

2022-09-16 19:51:02 By : Ms. Sunny Shin

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Fortunately those strawberries is cultivated in US not Fukushima.


that's interesting, not least because 20 years ago or more, I met a man in Australia who was exporting strawberries to Japan, for big money, the requirement being that they were large, perfectly-shaped, and without blemishes. he was of course growng them in greenhouses...

"The use of plant factories will make it possible to supply high-quality Japanese agricultural products to people around the world," Koga said.

if the factories are in L.A. and etc, are they still 'Japanese agricultural products'?

Variety Registration Done? Watch out Koreans and Chinese

Japanese fruit is so overrated and expensive. U can get any pack of strawberries in the US for $3 or less. My ex Japanese father in law bought a 800,000 yen melon at auction. I asked him why he bought it and he laughed and said because He can. It was good but didn’t taste any different from a normal grocery store Mellon

How is $20 for a pack "pricey" and "high-end"? Oh well, for the average commoner maybe...

They should take a leaf out of the Apple playbook to create a must have one that just works (tastes) like magic and is all about the experience.

People would then pay anything to get one and line up outside of the greenhouse each year as soon as a new variety(ever slightly sweeter and juicier than last seasons) was produced.

Fortunately those strawberries is cultivated in US not Fukushima.

why with transportation cost and tariffs it was probably more feasible to grow them in the US near your customer base.

How is $20 for a pack "pricey" and "high-end"? Oh well, for the average commoner maybe...

yes it is pricey, fresh strawberry's in my home country about 1/3 of that, as good as any ive tasted in Japan

How is $20 for a pack "pricey" and "high-end"? Oh well, for the average commoner maybe...

people thinking the size of their wallet makes them above average, LMFAO

Seems like a smart business plan. Japans overpriced for no apparent reason fruit is infamous around the world. People love buying “whacky” Japan stuff, overpriced fruit is on that list.

likely is a Japanese made cultivar being grown in America so they can still technically claim it’s from Japan even if it’s being produced domestically in America.

I remember seeing this guy on TV a couple years ago. Glad it seems to be working out for him.

Strawberries in the United States are rarely sweet and fresh

More like the berries are never sweet, unless you end up slathering them with a boatload of honey or some other hideous concoction. 3/4 of the time some of the berries in the box are still green and aren't edible, but are still sold anyway. Eating strawberries is perhaps one of best things I like about visiting Japan. Bar none - they have the best strawberries I've ever had.

Despite running a pricey $20 for a pack containing eight large strawberries

That's light damage for buying anything from Whole Foods. I liken shopping at Whole Foods to going to Las Vegas. If you can leave that place without loosing more than $100 per visit - you did real good.

How is $20 for a pack "pricey" and "high-end"? Oh well, for the average commoner maybe...

How is $20 for a pack "pricey" and "high-end"? Oh well, for the average commoner maybe...

Well spoken Your Highness, lol.

Gotta love Japanese strawberries - huge size and very flavoursome, unlike tiny foreign ones.

Hopefully Japan's agriculture boom continues to soar, and Japan potentially may become one of the world's major food baskets.

People love buying “whacky” Japan stuff, overpriced fruit is on that list.

Gotta love Japanese strawberries - huge size and very flavoursome, unlike tiny foreign ones.

Trolling gone wild. 'Tiny foreign ones'...hmmm. No, foreign strawberries are absolutely fine.

No, foreign strawberries are absolutely fine.

You are entitled to your view. I happen to love the sweetness and huge size of Japanese strawberries. 1 or 2 is enough for dessert.

The size of fruit is more about aesthetics - in fact for a typical strawberry, a smaller or medium sized one will have more flavour than a big one. I've never had one of these strawberries before, so perhaps it's different, but bloated strawberries are usually tasteless.

Seems like a smart business plan. Japans overpriced for no apparent reason fruit is infamous around the world. People love buying “whacky” Japan stuff, overpriced fruit is on that list.

If it's infamous around the world, you wouldn't be posting in this thread about hotcake-like strawberries in NY.

It is consumers who actually buy that decide, ya know, supply and demand...whether it is overpriced or not.

A New Yorker and their Money are Soon Parted.

Oh Really? I heard hot cakes aren't selling in New York! High-end Japanese strawberries selling like hotcakes in New York

Wexford Strawberries are the best. But you wont get them in Japan. Or New York.

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