30 Small Indoor Plants 2022 — Small House Plants

2022-05-20 22:53:50 By : Mr. Jack Hong

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Take me to the nursery—I’m ready to be a plant mom.

A message to all my small apartment besties: You are not alone. Many of us are square-footage challenged, always on the hunt for more storage that simply does not exist, and finding ourselves in super-cluttered situations in the blink of an eye. But that doesn’t mean we don’t deserve nice things, too!

If you have little room to work with, chances are you’ve probably avoided starting a massive collection of plants. I mean, that random corner is much better reserved for a bar cart, bookshelf, or something more functional, right? Ahem, WRONG! According to plant ecologist and botanist Tanisha M. Williams, PhD, there are dozens of benefits that come from having plants in your home, and there are plenty of low-maintenance options that’ll fit even the smallest of spaces.

“Plants bring a bit of nature into our homes,” says Dr. Williams, who recommends starting small and growing (no pun intended) your collection as time goes on. “They remind us we are connected to and a part of the environment around us,” she continues. “Our green friends also increase oxygen levels, can boost your mood, and add a bit of flare to your home decor.” Say less. I. Am. Sold!

To get you started on your plant parent journey, I’ve rounded up a list of small houseplants (with some advice from Dr. Williams, of course) that are relatively stress-free to care for in tight spots. Plop them on your shelf, nightstand, kitchen counter, toilet, or really anywhere else, and prepare to start reaping the benefits.

These aren’t your grandma’s pearls. This easy-to-care-for cutie is one of the most eye-catching plants I can think of (that’s probably why I bought two). Pop one in a hanging planter by a window, keep ‘er moist, and soon you’ll have an overflowing bouquet. (Is it bad that I think they look like delicious little peas and I always want to eat them?)

So these pink and purple plants are often associated with royalty, and honestly, I get it. Just look at them! The vibrant flowers bloom in groups of five, and the thick green leaves are actually soft and fuzzy. Simply bottom water when the soil is dry and give it some indirect sun and you’ll stay blooming, baby.

Note: Bottom watering is when you place a plant (in a pot with drainage holes) in a bowl of water, allowing the soil and roots to absorb the water from the bottom up.

If you’re not obsessed with these leathery, zig-zagging leaves, I don’t think we can be friends. It may not look like a cactus, but this fast-growing plant is technically a cute lil cactus (sometimes called a Fishbone Cactus), and it hails from the rainforests of Mexico. In addition to being easy to grow, one of its best features is that it’s pet and kid-friendly through and through. I’ll take one for every room!

The best things in life are edible, and these fast-growing herbs are no exception. This kit of popular kitchen herbs includes everything you need to grow basil, cilantro, and mint—three hearty plants you can keep on your windowsill and use to season your dishes (or, better yet, garnish your cocktails).

Believe it or not, this blooming beauty is a succulent, and plant parents love it because it grows slow and steady all year round. (It actually takes two to five years to reach its mature size, so no need to worry about repotting!) Give it some bright, indirect sunlight and v little water, and you’ll have fresh flowers for years to come.

According to the practice of feng shui, bonsai trees bring good luck—and I have a good feeling about this mini guy. Make sure you trim it regularly, and it'll be growing for years to come.

You must post a photo of this greenery on your feed; I don't make the rules. Also, the sunlight will look oh-so dreamy peeping through those leaves.

Fun fact: Snake plants may may help filter out certain chemicals from the air (like benzene and formaldehyde) by releasing oxygen into the air and improving the overall surrounding air quality. This means your apartment is about to become a hell of a lot fresher.

How's this for cool? The leaves of the peacock plant actually move up and down throughout the day, so it'll give you something else to stare at during the commercial breaks of your Real Housewives marathon.

If you want to buy a ton of plants but can only afford to spend money on one, make it a peperomia (all about the name too). They're versatile and easy to propagate—aka snipping off part of the plant to re-pot and turn it into TWO plants. Magic!

A tiny cactus has a big visual impact, adding color and texture to any space. Be sure it gets lots of light, and only water when soil is entirely dry, then water thoroughly at the base (not on top of the cactus, which can cause rot).

This unique houseplant prospers in bright light, but it does require regular watering to thrive. Pro tip: Keep your plant less than three feet from the window so it can really catch those sun rays.

Jade plants can live for a suuuper-long time—I’m talking more than a decade. They love bright, direct light, and only need to be watered every three to four weeks.

Considered to be symbols of luck, money trees are plants you'll want around for ~good vibes~. They're pretty low maintenance and pet-friendly, but be sure to rotate your plant frequently to promote growth.

Hoya kerrii—or as they’re affectionately known, hoya heart plants—love bright, direct light and they only need to be watered every three to four weeks. Easy-peasy!

Looking for a conversation-starting plant? With its distinct tubular shape, this lil' succulent will steal the spotlight. It grows in all sorts of environments, either in a container or in the ground (if you ever have a real garden one day).

Need something that tolerates dry apartment heat but is also tough enough to last if you don't water it constantly? Yeah, that means you should get a rubber plant.

A little cactus is pretty much the go-to, easy-to-care-for apartment plant. Just plop it in bright light and the pop of color will liven up any rental-white walls.

Although the anthurium plant can grow to be about a foot tall, it can still easily fit on the edge of any desk or bookshelf, and it’s so dang pretty that it’s kind of like having fresh flowers in your apartment at all times.

Just stick Charlie in a bright spot with indirect light and watch this little guy instantly liven up any room. I mean, how lush are those leaves?!

All your aloe needs is a solidly sunny spot and a lowkey watering schedule. Plus, if you’re feeling really crafty, you can cut off the leaves and use them to make your own sunburn treatments. We stan a plant that can do it all!

Pothos will grow pretty fast under nearly any conditions—it just doesn’t like intense direct sunlight. Put this guy on a bookshelf and its long vines will make your space look extra lush without spending extra cash.

If you're in the mood to up your succulent game, Haworthia plants are pet-friendly and thrive in bright, direct sunlight. Look how fun and unique they are!

Not only are the leaves stunning here, but the philodendron green is super easy to care for. Just avoid direct sunlight and make sure the soil doesn't get overly soggy.

The peace lily will add an element of zen to your space, even when it’s surrounded by a week’s worth of laundry. (Hey, we've all been there before.)

TBQH, the name “air plant” is mildly misleading—these little guys require more than air to survive, but they are pretty simple to look after. All they need is a good watering every one to two weeks and they’ll be happy as clams. Cute too.

Fine, the Zs in this plant’s name technically stand for “Zamioculcas zamiifolia,” but I like to think they’re here to remind you that you could literally take care of this plant in your sleep.

This plant is great for small spaces, as the leaves grow at a verrry slow rate and tolerate any lighting conditions. Plus, what's cuter than something this tiny with the name "watermelon" in it? Nothing!

Do you have one or two windows that face an alleyway? Welp, this guy can tolerate any type of indoor condition, including low light, bright spots, and even fluorescent lighting.

These plants thrive in any type of light, but they do require a lil more watering than most. Btw, the holy name is thanks to the fact that the leaves tend to fold in at night, resembling 🙏.

So many itty-bitty plants, so little time. Here's how to pick the perfect one for Y-O-U.

Location, location, location. You gotta find that good light, baby! “Make sure you assess how much light you get,” in whatever room you’re hoping to put the plant in, says Dr. Williams. “It doesn’t have to be an intense survey, but just note how much and when the sun comes to different areas of your space.” Different plants need different types of light, so plan accordingly.

Are you rarely home? Are you forgetful even when you are home? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you might want to choose a plant that needs little care. “Start with plants that require watering regimes that fit your lifestyle,” says Dr. Williams. You can work your way up from there once you become an *experienced* plant parent.

Some plants are toxic when ingested, making them dangerous to pets and kids if left in places they can reach. “I have two curious kittens so I make sure to keep my plants up high!” says Dr. Williams. Is this a good excuse to buy cute hanging planters? Yes, yes it is.

Dr. Tanisha M. Williams is a plant ecologist and botanist. She is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Botany at Bucknell University. In 2020, she created #BlackBotanistsWeek, an initiative designed to promote Black botanists and encourage them to share their work and life experiences on social media.